Colton - Lhasa Apso puppy for sale in Bangalore

Age: 45 to 60 Days

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Buy Lhasa Apso puppy for sale in Bangalore

Ready to get Colton, A Lhasa Apso puppy into your life in Bangalore? Pawsypoo online Pet Shop is here to make it happen. Colton, Lhasa Apso puppy is more than pet; Lhasa Apso are loyal and trustworthy mates. Buy Lhasa Apso puppy for sale online in Bangalore, India. We deliver Healthy, Show Quality, Purebred Lhasa Apso puppy for sale at the Best Prices in Bangalore, India. Don’t wait any longer – your pawfect pet friend is just a click away with Pawsypoo.

Lhasa Apso puppy Breed Information

Origin Tibetan dog breed
Breed Group Non-sporting
Size standing 9-11 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing 12-18 pounds.
Lifespan 12 to 18 years
Coat Long, double coat that can be straight or wavy. The coat is typically black, brown, cream, or white.
Temperament Loyal and playful. Hence, they can be protective of their family and home.
Exercise Needs: Low exercise needs
Training Needs: Lhasa Apsos are intelligent dogs but can be stubborn. They need early, consistent training to be well-behaved.
Grooming High-maintenance grooming
Health Generally healthy dogs, but some health concerns that they are prone to include eye problems, allergies, and hip dysplasia.

Pawsypoo is trusted online Pet Shop for healthy, Show Quality and purebred Lhasa Apso puppies for sale in Bangalore, India. We have 45 to 60 days of Old Male and Female puppies available. Our dedicated pet parents raises these pets with expertise and dedication, ensuring their well-being and quality.

You can buy Lhasa Apso puppies from Pawsypoo today. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 8766330856. Our team is always here to assist you with pet-related inquiries.

Lhasa Apso Frequently Asked Question

Despite their reputation as watchdogs, Lhasa Apsos could be playful, affectionate dogs for families. They could be the guardian or even a bit snippy, so the early introduction to strangers, children, and other animals is essential. They might also have a strong desire to hunt, which can lead them to pursue small animals, such as cats.

Lhasa Apsos are more independent and require less rest than Shih Tzus. They are also more responsive to changes in routines than Shih Tzus. Shih Tzu. They are, however, more effective than Shih Tzu Shih Tzu when left alone and are more adept with children. They are very gentle and loyal to their masters.

Lhasa Apsos are friendly with those with whom it has a good relationship. In the presence of strangers, they can be pretty aloof. Lhasa Apso could transform into an entirely different pet. To appreciate your dog's playful nature, your relatives and friends should take the time to earn the trust of your Lhasa Apso.

Lhasa Apsos will likely be unhappy with other pets, animals, or children when focused on them. They aren't a fan of being teased and may be pretty possessive.

If appropriately treated, Lhasa apsos live long lives - about 12 to 15 years on average. Some have been observed to live in their 20s. If you decide to purchase a Lhasa from an animal breeder, you need to ensure that they're trustworthy and dedicated to the health of their animals.

Shih Tzus Lhasa Apsos and Chihuahuas are renowned for how long they can sleep - sometimes 18-20 hours a day. If you're thinking of adding a new pet to your home, conduct plenty of research on their breed and the length of time they sleep.

Lhasa Apso is courageous, enthusiastic, and alert. With enough exercise and socialization, you Can be a loving and well-behaved house dog. A Lhasa Apso is an ancient breed born from Tibet's mountain ranges.

While they enjoy the attention of the people they live with, Lhasa Apsos tend to be more independent than other dog breeds and enjoy entertaining themselves. The breed is less prone to separation anxiety and is the ideal pet for people who are likely to be on the move in a more relaxed manner.

Lhasa Apsos are known to be vocal dogs. They can bark to signal a range of emotions, including anxiety, fear, and boredom, or to warn their owners of danger. It's crucial to determine the reasons behind your dog's excessive barking and address the root reason.

As such, bones, meat offal and a tiny amount of vegetable ingredients are essential ingredients that make up the food of the Lhasa Apso, which each adds extremely beneficial minerals and vitamins to meal times.

Heart failure is the leading cause of death in Lhasa Apsos in their golden years.

Lhasa Apsos has some health issues that could be an issue, particularly if you're not careful about the vendor you purchase from. Hip dysplasia is one of them, as are juvenile kidney disease, intervertebral disc diseases, and eye conditions like the progressive atrophy of retinas.

Furthermore, they can adapt to any house and even apartment building. Pet parents who are new to the field can be perfect Lhasas. But, they could challenge your leadership if you do not provide consistent and firm training.

Their bite force isn't one of the most muscular canines in the world. However, it could nevertheless cause discomfort when they choose to bite. Understanding, education, and socialization with Lhasa Apso are vital to ensure harmonious interaction and to reduce the chance of bites.

Lhasa Apsos are also predisposed to sebaceous adenitis. This occurs when your immune system targets sebaceous glands, resulting in silvery dandruff, skin blemishes, and a musty "wet dog" smell.

Lhasa Apsos are not inherently aggressive. They were bred originally as sentinel dogs. That implies that they naturally distrust strangers and are territorial. But with the proper instruction and socialization, they can be loyal and affectionate pet owners.

It's not unusual for a 5-month-old Lhasa Apso to begin losing their baby teeth and then have their adult teeth emerge. The process is like what humans go through as children.

Most dogs enter heat about every 7 to 6-7 months. However, each dog is unique and may be back in the heat as early as 4 months or even at all for 12 months. The majority of dogs are, however, typical. The first time you go through the dog's heat cycle, you'll notice swelling of the vulva and increased urine and bleeding.

You can buy Lhasa Apso between 16,000 and Rs. 40,000 to Rs. India. Buying these puppies from a home-bred litter or reputable breeders or pet stores is always recommended. Don't buy from animal farms, puppy mills, and puppy farms.

Feed your dog a high-quality diet. Lhasa Apsos, just like other dogs, consume food 1-2 times per day according to how you plan to spread the meals. Pick a pet diet that is not high in grains, but also protein since dogs are naturally carnivores.

Lhasa Apsos will delight you if they want to please you. They're brilliant, and often, they are compared to a stubborn toddler. They can master just about anything that a teacher can make interesting enough to understand in their way.

The dog has a few advantages over humans in seeing in darkness, such as Tapetum lucidum. The tapetum lucidum comprises the reflective tissue that lies beneath the retina. It's present in all mammals and responsible for the eye's appearance in photographs or at night.

People with strong personalities: Lhasa Apsos have a bit of stubbornness, which adds to their appeal. With their big dog personality and tiny body, they are unaware that they're big enough for laps! The temperament: They are well-known for being great with their families but can be shy around strangers.

Although they are tiny in size, Lhasa Apso is known to be highly protective and determined. Additionally, they are very loyal to their owners and fantastic watchdogs.

The Lhasa Apso wears only a single-layer coat, which isn't warm enough to be outdoors for long when it's cold. Therefore, consider purchasing an extra warm jacket for winter walks.

Lhasa Apsos have relatively low requirements for exercise compared to other breeds. They require regular walks and mental stimulation, but their exercise needs can usually be satisfied within 30 to 1 hour of daily physical activity.

Adult Lhasa Apsos are toilet trained, though it could take longer than teaching puppies. Consistency is essential, so set a schedule and take your Lhasa Apso outdoors often. Be patient by using positive reinforcement, warding good behavior, and ignoring mistakes.

A healthy daily calorie intake for a Lhasa Apso puppy with adults of average size is approximately 500 calories. The puppy would eat three or two meals per day. Then, it would be gradually decreased to a single or two meals daily when an adult. We suggest contacting your breeder or Veterinarian to get the best diet advice!

Your dog should be prevented from drinking a lot of milk. Lactose intolerance is common among dogs. It can lead to gastric looseness, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

It's also very calorific due to sugar and fat levels, which means that should dogs consume milk regularly or consume dairy products frequently and are overweight, they may suffer from pancreatitis or obesity. In addition to the potential adverse health effects over time from drinking milk, dogs can consume it safely as long as they don't suffer from any dairy allergies and it's only consumed in small amounts.

Yes, dogs can eat rice. Indeed, you might have seen rice listed among the ingredients in dog commercial food. But, a rice meal by itself should not be an everyday meal. Rice should only be a component of a balanced diet that includes all the essential nutrients your dog requires.

Three weeks before the time of your dog's passing, you could observe weight loss, eating habits that aren't as good, a change in breathing patterns, less enthusiasm for fun activities, more self-isolation and eye discharge, as well as skin issues.

The molars and premolars are expected to be in place between 5 and 8 months; there will be 42 permanent adult teeth at some point. If the puppy's teeth don't fall out, they must be extracted by a veterinarian.

Lhasa Apso: Lhasa Apsos are intelligent, fun and active. This dog breed can be susceptible to overheating because of its long, curly hair. Like all long-haired breeds, they are prone to getting hot quickly.

Lhasa Apso thrives off high-quality food. The problem with this global breed is that we cannot supply them with the nutrition they require, which isn't available in India. As they generally have thick, tough skin that helps support their thick hair coats, Lhasa needs a diet rich in protein and fat.

The Lhasa Apso requires regular grooming and bathing. This sly Tibetan breed is groomed and bathed as often as once per week, as often as every 6 weeks, depending on the dog's activity level and the coat length.

They're very similar in dimensions and height, in the case of Shih Tzu being no less than 8 inches and not over 11 inches tall at the shoulder and the Lhasa Apso being slightly more prominent, with approximately 10-11 inches high. In addition, Hanson states, "Both are sturdy little dogs with adequate weight and mass for their size, yet not exaggerated.

It's not cooked and not cooked, nutrient-rich raw meat. For a lot of people, the idea of feeding their pets raw meat can be disgusting and dangerous. However, a dog's digestive system is very different from that of humans and can safely process raw meat.

Lhasa Apsos can swim, though not consistently very well. The breed is energetic and quick but runs out of energy very quickly. They can't generate the energy needed to swim in natural water bodies.

The Lhasa is extremely sensitive to human emotions and is a great companion to people suffering from health or disabilities. They can almost "cater" to the emotional requirements of their owner.

The typical gestation time for dogs is 64 days after conception, but this can be different by a few days. Although this may seem like an easy answer, vision can be challenging to pinpoint.

Male dogs are only bred when they're at least 1-1/2 to 2 years old. Age. Numerous health tests cannot be administered to dogs until they are 2 years old. Therefore, the only time to breed male dogs is when he's old enough and cleared to breed.

A mature Lhasa Apso should weigh between 5.4 and 8.2 kg. Your dog's diet and exercise can affect its weight, so it's essential to consider the food they eat daily and ensure they exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.

When choosing what food to give your Lhasa Apso, pick an animal-based diet that is high-quality and contains protein sources like turkey, beef, chicken, lamb, duck, eggs, and even fish.

Shih Tzus Lhasa Apsos and Chihuahuas are well-known for their amount of sleep - sometimes up to 18-20 hours each day.

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a different disorder that some Lhasa Apsos suffer from. The nerves that run through the retina's back weaken with time, leading to progressive vision loss. It is typically a genetic disorder. It is also possible to develop cataracts, a white film that can block their vision as they age.

Despite their small size, Lhasa Apsos were bred to serve as indoor guards inside Tibetan monasteries. Their sensitive hearing was what made them excellent watchdogs. Their task wasn't to slay criminals but to warn the bigger Tibetan Mastiffs of suspicious activity.

In terms of grooming, it is said that the Lhasa Apso breed is extremely high maintenance and does not fall into the category of low-maintenance breeds of dogs. Their long, luxurious coats may become tangled when not correctly cared for. A daily brushing schedule and a monthly bath are suggested for dogs with these breeds.

Although they do not have to take five-mile hikes or an everyday agility course, Lhasas need moderate exercise and should take at least two 30-minute walks a day. A trip out in the evening to "do their business" in the backyard isn't enough! It's not enough exercise for dogs.

If careful, bananas can be a delicious, low-calorie dog treat. They contain vitamins, potassium, biotin, fiber, and copper. They're low in sodium and cholesterol. However, bananas are best served only as a treat due to their high sugar content. +Blueberries: Dogs can eat blueberries.

Lhasa Apso can drink coconut water in small amounts. However, it is not recommended to substitute fresh water.

Dogs are allowed to eat potatoes as long as they are clearly cooked and served moderately. The potatoes that are roasted and cooked without butter or spices are the ideal option to allow your pet to experience a tasty potato. Be sure to avoid giving your pet cooked or raw potatoes since they aren't safe for dogs to eat since they're high in solanine.

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