Adrian - Cocker Spaniel puppy for sale in Bangalore

Age: 45 to 60 Days

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Buy Cocker Spaniel puppy for sale in Bangalore

Ready to get Adrian, A Cocker Spaniel puppy into your life in Bangalore? Pawsypoo online Pet Shop is here to make it happen. Adrian, Cocker Spaniel puppy is more than pet; Cocker Spaniel are loyal and trustworthy mates. Buy Cocker Spaniel puppy for sale online in Bangalore, India. We deliver Healthy, Show Quality, Purebred Cocker Spaniel puppy for sale at the Best Prices in Bangalore, India. Don’t wait any longer – your pawfect pet friend is just a click away with Pawsypoo.

Cocker Spaniel puppy Breed Information

Origin United States
Purpose Hunting
Size 14-15 inches (male), 13-14 inches (female)
Lifespan 12 to 15 years
Weight 25-30 pounds (male), 20-25 pounds (female)
Temperament Friendly, affectionate, playful, gentle
Exercise Needs: High
Training Needs: Relatively easy to train, but can be stubborn at times
Grooming Moderate
Health Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye problems

Pawsypoo is trusted online Pet Shop for healthy, Show Quality and purebred Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale in Bangalore, India. We have 45 to 60 days of Old Male and Female puppies available. Our dedicated pet parents raises these pets with expertise and dedication, ensuring their well-being and quality.

You can buy Cocker Spaniel puppies from Pawsypoo today. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 8766330856. Our team is always here to assist you with pet-related inquiries.

Cocker Spaniel Frequently Asked Question

Cocker spaniels are famous for their soft, easy-going and affectionate but also lively. They are usually regarded as significant with children. They are generally non-aggressive towards humans and other animals; however, that does not mean they're not the best watchdogs. A word of caution is necessary.

You can easily buy a Cocker Spaniel puppy in between the cost of between Rs45,000 and Rs75,000 in India. It is always recommended to purchase these puppies from litters that are home-bred or breeders with a good reputation or retailers.

American cocker spaniels can be a very well-behaved breed. There are only a handful of genetic diseases which you should be concerned about when you adopt puppies. The most likely health problems could be related to hip dysplasia.

Cockers are a relatively long-lived breed. The average Cocker Spaniel's lifespan is between 12 -14 years. However, some dogs have reached their teens. They are tough breeds, and with lots of affection and regular exercise, as well as eating a balanced diet, your pet is likely to live past the age of a decade.

This includes a variety of eye conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma and glaucoma, as well as painful problems of the knees and hips. Distinction can cause movement difficulties for those who have the Cocker Spaniel, which is, by nature, a very energetic dog that loves to play and run.

A healthy dog weighs within the range of 13 to 14.5 kg. The optimal weight is 175 to 265g daily. If feeding two times a day, one-third of the food is advised in the morning and the remainder in the evening, but not too late so that you don't have to take an exercise session before bed.

Cocker Spaniels are notorious for their anxiety over separation. Therefore, it is best to have a person to be with them during the daytime. It is essential to ensure that your Cocker isn't left on its own for more than 4 hours, though this might be too for your dog.

Bred initially as gundogs, Cocker Spaniels' instincts to work make them intelligent, loyal and eager to delight. They are known for being active, flexible, welcoming and friendly; they are able to live comfortably in all kinds of homes. Gentle and loving Cocker Spaniels are perfect pets for those who are just beginning their journey.

Cocker spaniels are simple to train since they're intelligent, enthusiastic, eager to please, and quick learners. They thrive on positive reinforcement. But because they're engaged, they are easily distracted, and therefore, sessions should be short and easy. Socialization, as well as training, should begin in the early years of puppyhood.

When deciding what to give your Cocker Spaniel diet, pick a diet that contains top-quality animal-based protein sources, including chicken, beef, lamb, turkey, eggs, duck, and fish.

The majority of Cocker spaniels will whine and bark at one time throughout their lives, whether it's because of something positive (like food) or something wrong (like not being fed at the right time), or even for any reason that isn't clear (which tends to be most frequent). Cocker spaniel whining is a typical and regular practice.

Aggression was deemed to be pretty standard in English Cocker Spaniels, although the degree of attack varied according to the coat colour and sex of the dogs. It was found that aggression was more prevalent in males than females, as well as in one-coloured dogs than multi-coloured ones.

Cocker spaniels are particularly vulnerable to allergies. They may be prone to allergies to joint fillers like corn, wheat, and potatoes. Natural diets help eliminate these harmful food items.

The raw diet doesn't require a balanced diet every day. However, if you make use of many meat options, including offal, fish, and bones that are raw (including bone from a chicken) that are safe, they must be in natural form in order to offer a balanced diet.

Cocker spaniels are excellent therapy dogs because they are very gentle and affectionate. They are a breed that is versatile and can be trained for agility classes, too. They are adept at staying focused and following instructions.

An enlightened Cocker Spaniel could last longer than 15 years. Eye health problems are common, including problems (glaucoma, cataracts, glaucoma), spine issues, and skin conditions.

They are loving and loyal dogs. Usually, they live to 15 years old; however, when they are given the attention they need and fed a healthy food plan, they may be beneficial for up to 16 years.

The average Cocker Spaniel's lifespan ranges from 10-15 years, which means they'll remain a loyal companion for the duration of their lives. Their famously large ears, however, could make them vulnerable to infections in the ear. In addition, their thick coats may lead to skin infections if they are not regularly cleaned and maintained.

Cocker spaniels also need regular grooming because of their silky, long coats and are susceptible to ailments like hip dysplasia and ear infections. Overall, they are affectionate and trustworthy pets. However, they require care and attention to flourish.

The amount of food a 2 to six-month puppy cocker spaniel needs to consume is between 150 and 250 grams daily. Then, cut down the amount of food to approximately 130-190 grams every day over the next five months. As your dog gets one year old, then you can begin feeding it adult-sized dog foods.

For a one-year-old cocker spaniel who hasn't been well-trained, it's essential to begin in the beginning with basic obedience. This may be done by teaching commands like stay, sit, come, heel, and sit. Consistency is essential when you train dogs, which is why it's crucial to set up a routine and stick to it.

The Cocker Spaniel has a very friendly temperament and is a lover of people, which makes it the perfect pet for new owners or those living on their own, as well as couples seeking a companion to their other pets!

The canines are not allowed to drink milk. While it's high in protein and calcium, it shouldn't be part of your dog's diet since it could upset their stomachs and lead to long-term health issues.

Be sure to choose plain (with no chocolate or sugar coatings) and cut into bite-sized pieces in order to keep them from the risk of choking. If you're giving your dog a piece of fruit or a bit, this must be eaten in conjunction with their usual diet. Also, don't forget to cut down on the daily allowance for food that day to accommodate the additional calories.

Yes. Eggs are great for dogs to consume. Of course, they're high in protein, but apart from that, eggs are an excellent source of linoleic acid as well as fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin A. These are all wonderful for dogs' coats and skin," says Dempsey.

As with all dogs, cocker spaniels have a strong loyalty to their human. They will even choose a preferred family member, particularly those who give them the best love and attention.

The hyperactive dogs are intelligent, resilient, and friendly with children. Because of this, leaving them alone could lead them to suffer from depression. The majority of them suffer from a hyper-attachment disorder, so be aware when you leave them to themselves.

Cocker Spaniels tend to be happy puppies, but some can be very shy, and some may be somewhat aggressive. The character of the Cocker Spaniel will be significantly affected by the extent to which they get socialized in their early years.

Cocker Spaniels are brilliant dogs. In terms of obedience work, king intelligence, and working intelligence, this breed is the English Cocker Spaniel th, the 20th most intelligent breed of dog. They are easily trained, so owners shouldn't have any difficulty with training them to learn new commands.

The most common reasons for anxiety in cocker spaniels could be Separation anxiety and fear of being separated from their owners. It is often expressed in your dog's eating, pacing, chewing or even causing damage during your absence. Sound anxiety is the fear of loud sounds like fireworks, thunder or a vacuum.

Dogs can be fed white rice. While it is less nutritious than brown rice, white rice can be a part of dogs' diets. Because it's rather bland, veterinarians typically suggest white rice for pets with stomach upsets.

Wet and dry dog food is good for feeding a Spaniel. Insane appetite in this dog breed could lead to overweight and obesity. Therefore, you should be aware of your dog's food intake and be careful not to overfeed.

Healthy adult dogs of 12 months or more can take a meal twice daily, with a gap of 8-12 hours between meals. This allows their stomachs to digest the food and ensure that the dog is happy and complete, and then naturally empty and send the brain that it is hungry "Must eat or look sad!" signal. Breed is crucial.

It is imperative to stress the importance of having a healthy eating and exercise regimen. Make sure to brush her coat regularly and at least every week. Cocker Spaniels are often suffering from severe dental issues, so you'll have to brush at least 3 times per week! Make sure to clean her ears regularly as an infant.

Although many gundogs don't need regular grooming and care, Cocker Spaniels and Springer Spaniels need to be clipped. The feathers on their coats are able to trap dirt very quickly, which is why regular brushing following shooting sessions is vital, as well as gentle trimming of the coat's feathers as well as the ears in order to ensure they are well-groomed.

As a dog's parent, you should be conscious of this issue, as cocker spaniels are among the breeds that are able to put on pounds quickly when their diet and exercise routine aren't properly monitored. This is especially true when the puppy is in its hood or when your dog is neutered or is getting older.

Cancer is the leading cause of death for old dogs, and your pet is particularly susceptible to developing lymphoma (cancer of lymph nodes) and Melanoma (cancer that affects the skin). The majority of cancers can be treated surgically, while some can be treated by chemotherapy.

What is the age at which English Cocker Spaniels fully grown? Cocker Spaniels reach adult size at around 12 months old. Sometimes, they're even earlier. However, they're not considered fully grown until they're 18-24 years old, when their skeletons and muscles begin to develop fully.

Cocker spaniels are well-known for their gentleness, calmness, and love, yet they are active. They are generally regarded as being to be good with children. They are usually non-aggressive towards other animals and humans; however, that does not mean they're not the best watchdogs. A note of caution is necessary.

Adult dogs require, on average, 12-14 hours of sleep. If they're aligned with your routines of sleep, say 8 hours per night. They need to take the rest of their time throughout the day. Older dogs tend to sleep longer since they get tired faster and that they need to rest in order to function effectively.

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